Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Things I Learned About Having a Home Based Business

I learned a lot of things about having your own home based business and one of them is if you really want your own home based business. You must be CONSISTENT. When I first started to try to do work at home businesses I thought okay I'm online the people will come. Well they don't. You have to work Honey and I mean work hard! You have to drive traffic to you! I realized that I have to be like a commercial constantly in people face with my product or service. Let's take fast food restaurants for instance we automatically think of them for a quick bite because we constantly see their advertisements. I have to admit that it is hard to do all the time but I realized that even if you have 10mins to 30 mins you can do some advertising. Every minute counts with a home based business. So I learned you have to be committed, consistent, (like a commercial) and serious. The point is to treat your business like a business not a hobby and you will see the fruits of your labor. So don't give up! Put in the effort and commit to it's success and it will become one. It is worth it.

"There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either in or out. There's no such thing as a life in-between."
-Pat Riley

If Your looking for a Real legitimate business to join click here:  www.ibourl.com/2hni

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Having a Home Based business Is Not Easy!

Having a home based business is not easy. That is why it takes a person that has  determination, patience, organization, creativity, and understanding to be your own BOSS! I'm learning a lot as I go on this journey of Entrepreneurship.  I have learned to push myself even when I feel I'm wasting my time because you will feel like that sometimes. Just know that there is light at the end of the tunnel it always pay off. You have to believe in yourself when no one else is there.

"Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more. Believing in yourself" -Harry Potter

"BELIEVING in Yourself is The first Secret to SUCCESS"..

It is FUN having your own business because as I change my mindset and thinking from poor mentality to rich mentality. As i change my mind from the mentality of a person that is working for a check verses a person that writes their own checks. I now have the strength and motivation to go on everyday and I know why I'm doing this for financial freedom, for residual income, for my children and for ME!! I love being an entrepreneur.

So are you looking for a home based business that you can be proud to be apart of? Why not join with me. It's FREE to join you can take your time and learn as you earn you are not required to pay out a monthly FEE, only when you are ready. Most of all this company as been in business for over 15 years and has a solid track record. I will also be there to help you along the way. So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Click the website link at the top or paste and copy the url below.

Join here: http://goo.gl/tJUhzR

Best wishes to you!