In this business we have to stay consistent in order to be seen and get results. You want people to see YOU, like YOU and trust YOU enough to join YOU! Right? Right!
So how do we do that? Well just do one thing everyday no matter what take time to do this one thing and you have now taken action and accomplished something towards the growth of your business.
What can you do? Well you can write content like I'am doing and share your experiences and the things you have learned thus far. You can do this via blog, Facebook live, Facebook groups, social media posts such as Facebook, instagram etc., videos. Anything you can think of and mind you these are all free avenues you can use. Just pick one and do it everyday until you are used to doing it then add another way of getting yourself out there and being seen.
Now this could only be 10 minutes of content it doesn't have to be long. Now the problem with inconsistency and this is what has happened to me is that you get distracted and go off and you try another business opportunity and another one. You end up jumping from program to program or next new thing and never accomplishing much of anything. I have been with this business for over 11 years but I was not consistent all 11 years. I started out like every one else not knowing what I was getting into or what to do.
You will end up starting to doubt yourself if you are inconsistent. So since 2011 I have been getting paid on time every month. I took it serious because I kept getting paid but only after I took it serious and I started investing in my business. This business is the first business I got paid consistently. So I decided to stay focused on this one. I'm not saying you can't have more than one business opportunity but you do have to focus on one first and be able to master that one before adding another opportunity.
Just recently I was jumping into other opportunities because I saw the people I'am following making lots of money with this program but I wasn't and it's not because of the program it's me. I need to focus on what is really making me money for right now.
You are going to have people doubting you and saying this is a scam but if you are consistent and you show people you love your business and you are proud of it and you are the biggest cheerleader for your own business then by you being consistent on a daily basis you will not have time or have doubts on weather or not this business will work or not. You will have the strength to keep going because you are to busy working on you and not worrying on what others are saying or doing.
So create content that is going to help someone and you will get more people wanting to buy from you eventually because they have been impacted by your content. I'm not saying it's going to happen over night or in a week but the more you put out the more you get back.
There are days that I don't want to do anything but those are the days I push myself because the goal is to be seen so that you can make money and then help others to do the same. It seems like nothing is happening but remember this people are watching YOU and they are going to get curious and eventually ask you about your business or to join.
I hope this has been helpful to any of you that may be struggling. Share this with your down line.
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Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214
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