Monday, October 26, 2015

The MOST IMPORTANT THING for success in SFI is..


Often I hear  that people are confused about how and what to advertise in SFI. For that reason I decided this month tips to be about advertising. I hope you will enjoy them :)

-Firstly, what is advertising?

Advertising in business is a form of marketing communication used to encourage, persuade, or direct an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to take or continue to take some action.

-What to advertise in SFI?

Well you have many things to choose from:
SFI business opportunity,Auctions,TC products,ECAs, EZ games,Gift Cards,Wave3,TC Music ,TCredits,silver bars..basically everything in your gateways section.

-Where to advertise?

Classifieds,Google AdWords,Bing Ads,Google plus,facebook, media's groups/pages, e-mailing,phone calls,verbal communication, boards,signs,billboards...

-what are tools and aids for advertising?

Ads,pages,blogs,websites,banners, links,tracking tools,autoresponder,welcome letters,posters,splash pages ,stickers,e-cards,business cards,flyers,printable items (t-shirts,mugs,pens..) ,marketing automation,SEO, banner/link exchange,news letters...

-How to do it?

Just look for a list of places to advertise on and go there and place ads. Most common is using the social networks as they are most popular and easiest to place ads on.So start from there and evolve and upgrade yourself by putting ads on different places.

At the end if you know what to look for you will find it.Try typing advertising or marketing or ads in SFI search bar,google ,social networks and many things will pop up.Pick and read/use those articles and places you find most interesting and learn something new.Also don't forget to place an ad!

If you need further help you can purchase this popular and very cheap book from our store:

It contains a lot more of what I described in here including visual tutorials and step-by-step guide and you will learn how do advertise properly and effectively.

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