If you don't have any money then you must spend your time doing things to generate exposure to your business. It takes persistence and consistence for this to work but you will get exposure. Just don't give up. In fact you could challenge yourself. For ex. blog everyday for 30 days, you just have to be consistent. Once you get your content and it has to be good content out there then you will be found by those who are looking for you and what you have to offer.
If you are new to blogging the best thing to do is to read books on blogging. This way you can get a better understanding of what it is you are trying to do and say. Now this goes for anything if you don't know anything about SEO then you should get books on that subject. This is how you learn and all serious online marketers are readers. Remember Leaders are Readers! So below are some books I found on blogging to get you started. Just click on the book to view.
There are lots of free blogging platforms that you can use. They are good for when you are just starting out but you will need to buy a domain name eventually weather it be for your website or your blog.
If this was helpful to you please share this with someone else that could use this information.
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