For the most part, the general population dislike network marketing.
That is a fact of life that all of us who do try and create a business in this industry have to face head on. Even though, by its' very nature, network marketing is the cheapest yet most effective business building tool out there.
When billionaires of this world like Donald Trump and Bill Gates say that if they had to do it all over again, they would choose network marketing, you know it is an effective tool.
In fact, network marketing is the building block of a lot of successful retail sales organizations. Do you personally know of anyone who receives a commission for making a sale of a product? Like a car salesman? Or in the wholesale industry. I worked for a couple of wholesale food distributors whose sales personnel earned commission for making food sales to restaurants.
And generally speaking, people buy stuff from other people they trust. Or from companies they trust, or like. Getting some sort of relationship with your potential customers is the best way to get long term commitments to join your team or buy from your store.
Now, if one of your advertising strategies is to buy a lot of PSA's, or advertise heavily to get lots of signups, you will have to understand that most of those people are just lookers….not buyers…..yet.
But, you now are building a list of potential customers that you didn't have before. Now is the chance for you to start building a relationship with them through your weekly emails. Talk about your experiences in SFI/TripleClicks, and (hopefully) how excited you are about this business.
The SFI mail program is probably the most important tool in your business building efforts, because without it, how do you communicate with your potential customers?
I know some people just won't get it and never respond, but the point is you have that opportunity, so you can't ignore it. You never know when someone will decide now is the time to take you up on your offers.
And to be able to build up a trusting relationship with them, I would focus on how your progress is, and that you are available to help them at any time. Try to let them understand that you are not trying to get them to spend any money, but that you offering to help them earn money for themselves.
It won't happen overnight, but consistency is the key. So many people get discouraged so quickly, and give up. The true winners just keep on offering their help to whoever wants it.
What's your goal? Be a winner I hope.
From Scott L.
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