Wednesday, June 7, 2017

What's the (Versa) point?

When you signed up with SFI, this is probably one of the first pages you saw:

It's mostly about Versa Points, and why they are important. Versa Points are used to determine your rank each month in SFI. Every month you start at 0 VP, and then you have to do things to earn VP throughout the month.

It really is that simple. Earn Versa Points to improve your rank and increase your income. Unfortunately, this is where it gets confusing for a lot of new people. There are a lot of different ways to earn Versa Points!

And how many Versa Points does any affiliate need to start producing an income? 1500 VP!

Since SFI owns the program and provides all the tools, they get to make the rules. Which is only fair.

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, starts off each calendar month as an Affiliate. Take a look at your Scoreboard tab on your homepage, and it will tell you what your current rank is at the moment, based on the number of Versa Points you have earned so far in the month.

Because we all start out as an Affiliate, our first goal should be to reach Executive Affiliate (EA). There are several different ways to do this. And guess what: SFI has a guide for that!

1500 Versa Points is your first goal in any month to improve your rank and increase your earnings. And the guide above will provide you with details on whats steps you can take to earn those points.

Another thing that gets confusing for new affiliates is that there are 2 kinds of Versa Points. Action (AVP) and Sales (SVP). I mean, really, shouldn't a Versa Point just be a Versa Point?

Again, because SFI owns the program, they get to make the rules. And they have determined that in order to reach the higher rankings of a Team Leader, we all need a combination of Action Versa Points and Sales Versa Points.

Your To Do List and Versa Point Ledger will indicate what type of points you have earned or can earn, and your Scoreboard tab will tell you how many of each you need to reach the next level or rank.

Once affiliates start to understand the importance of Versa Points, what we then start to see is that a lot of them want to know why you can't earn a lot more AVP just by clicking a few things here, playing a few games for free there…and so on.

And that is where the biggest frustrations come in for most affiliates who have inactive people in their downline. Because most people don't want to sell. Someone else should do the selling….they just want to do the clicking to earn points.

So, the bottom line is that the whole point is to sell products. Not only do we earn Versa Points, but we earn commissions as well. And we earn commissions not only for ourselves, but for the profit sharing pool as well.

And the money that is paid out from the profit sharing pool is based on the number of Versa Points we earn in a month.

SFI can be a very complicated program for new affiliates because it is so huge. There are many different areas that anyone can become involved in, but in the beginning, we have to try and keep it simple for them by explaining it really is about selling products, which will earn us Versa Points & commission, and if we choose, teaching other people to do the same.

From Scott L.

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