Friday, January 30, 2015

Are You Taking The Lid Off The Jar!

Hey Guys I saw this on Steve Harvey show yesterday and thought it was worth sharing. As entrepreneurs we need to think this way. Never let anyone tell you, you can't. You know you can so keep on moving.

Steve talks about "taking the lid off the jar," as a metaphor for understanding that we are all destined to be great and that our environment should never restrict us from dreaming big.

Don't allow your environment, friends, associates to dictate to YOU! Watch this motivational video! But don't watch it once watch this everyday for motivation! To Your Success!

Can't wait to read the book like me? Click the link below to get it! 

SFI’s Parent Company–Carson Services Inc.–turns 30!

Carson Services, Inc., the parent company behind SFI Marketing Group and, is now in its 30th year of business. And we want to take this opportunity to say “THANK YOU” to all our great affiliates who helped us reach this milestone!

Our success and longevity is a DIRECT result of your hard work, sweat, enthusiasm, and loyalty. It’s one of the reasons why SFI is one of THE most respected and most successful affiliate programs in the world today!

See Why We Rock!

What is TripleClicks?

How Much Time Do I Need To Spend On My Business?

How much time do I need to spend on my business? Well it's a good question don't you think? I guess it would depend on your lifestyle. What are you doing on any given day all day. If you work full-Time then your hours are different from the one who doesn't work or only work part-time. All of us of course have limited time because we have to attend to family, events, etc. I would say though that you should be working on your business all the time and as much as you can. Why? Because you want your business to grow. The more time you spend on your business the more it will grow. The more it grows the more money YOU make.

I would say consistently spend time on your business at least 10-15 hours per week but if you can spend more time then that you should do so. I would also spend focused time on my business. What do I mean by focused time? Well the time that you set aside to work on your business should be only for your business. Do not answer personal phone calls from friends and family. Do not waste time looking at TV. Stay focused only on your business for that time slot.

When you are an  entrepreneur you have to look at it differently than if this was a 9-5 job and on Friday you get a check. You may not get a check after working all week because this is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time to make money as an entrepreneur.  The more time you put in though the more results you will see. Eventually you could be making in a month what you made in a year. Then you could be making in a week what you made in a month! So the key is to keep spending time on your business consistently and never give up! In the beginning you will need to spend a lot of time on your business, branding yourself and getting people to notice you.

So how much time do I need to spend on my business? All the time because you will find even when your out running errands you will find yourself thinking of new ways to improve your business.

So I hope this blog has helped you and if it has please share it, comment and follow me for more tips.

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