Monday, November 6, 2017

How do I become an EA (Executive Affiliate)?

To qualify as an EA (Executive Affiliate), you need to earn 1500 VP a month. Here are some different ways to do this

1.Transfer Buying

The fastest, easiest way to go EA.  Just purchase the same trusted products that you normally get from other sources from instead—transferring your regular purchases to YOUR store. These everyday items could easily accrue 1,500 VP or more for you, thereby earning you EA status essentially for FREE!   Choose this method if you wish to become an EA immediately

2.Website Sales

A simple, straightforward method for becoming EA, earn 1,500 VP in sales from your TripleClicks Website. Just refer customers to your online store, and you can earn EA status with as little as one sale!   Learn how to refer customers HERE. Note: This method normally takes at least 45-60 days to produce the VersaPoints necessary to earn EA status

3.Action VersaPoints

This method allows you to earn EA status by team building and performing other important business-building actions outlined on your To-Do List.

How do I learn how to become successful in SFI?

Our LaunchPad Getting Started Training is absolutely THE best place for getting up to speed on everything about SFI and TripleClicks (but without overwhelming details). We strongly encourage all affiliates to start here. 

Then, we have an extensive Training Library covering nearly all aspects of online marketing and the SFI Opportunity.

And don't forget to log in at the Affiliate Center ( every day and review your homepage tabs and collect your daily VersaPoints. Doing so will teach you all you need to know to succeed in SFI.

How can I build an SFI business without investing a lot of money?

These are just some of the tips our SFI Affiliates share:

  • The key here is 'build your business' not 'tight budget'. You see it's all a matter of perception. So what can you do better to build your business? There are 100s of thousands of FREE traffic exchanges! Follow a specific plan of action. Let's say you join 5 free ad exchanges. Promote on these exchanges EVERYDAY for 5 hours. Make the time for your business - your success depends on it! If you don't have 5 hours then do 2 but do promote on these exchanges EVERYDAY for 90 days. Key code your efforts and at the end of 90 days you will know 3 things:

          No.1 You will find that some exchanges work better than                  others. 

          No.2 You will need to find more exchanges to test and 

          No.3 One of the sites will hold some promise and with                      improved effort you should get improved results! No money            is needed - just sweat equity! 

  • Place ads in free locations both on line and off line and attract down-line and teach them to sell SFI products. 

  • I advertise EVERYDAY! 3-5 minimum per day. Always looking for new places to put my free ads. I also put aside money for my standing order. This is very important! Do you 'to do list' daily to get your vp. Enter the Daily Grand, well, daily! Enter the Pick the Price contest for every auction you can. to win Tcredits. When bidding on auctions you get 1vp for each bid! Most important is to have a POSITIVE attitude and the drive to succeed!

  • 1.Place ads in free locations both online and offline and attract downline and teach them to sell SFI products. 

         2.Place more free ads and attract customers...when you sell                  something from tripleclicks to a customer you keep the           you can reach 1500 VP fairly quickly to reach EA                level.

  • You can build your SFI business on a shoe string budget by working with the workers in your team while maintaining your EA status by making a purchase order for 1500 VP. Get some free advertising,Sell as much products as you can, and use social media and promote.

  • First and foremost if you want to build your business make sure you maintain your EA status every month.At least $30 with the standing order is a must to be sure. Secondly try and get at least one PSA active that have the same passion as you do about SFI. If you have a couple of active movers in your genealogy motivate them and be motivated all times. Duplication is the key in building your business when you have limited budget.

What Are The Basics For Getting Started In SFI

Many people try to make SFI much more complicated than it really is.  There are actually just 3 things you need to learn to do. These 3 simple actions are outlined for you in this LaunchPad Lesson

Then, when you're ready for the Affiliate Center, simply log in each day and review the information on each of the tabs on your homepage. If you do this daily, you will quickly learn all the tips and strategies to succeed with SFI. At the same time, you'll be accumulating valuable VersaPoints just for reviewing these sections each day!

So...Learn the basics, read the rest of the LaunchPad lessons, and then review the tabs on your homepage each day and apply what you learn. That's all you need to do to start building a great business with SFI!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The True Winners

For the most part, the general population dislike network marketing.

That is a fact of life that all of us who do try and create a business in this industry have to face head on. Even though, by its' very nature, network marketing is the cheapest yet most effective business building tool out there.

When billionaires of this world like Donald Trump and Bill Gates say that if they had to do it all over again, they would choose network marketing, you know it is an effective tool.

In fact, network marketing is the building block of a lot of successful retail sales organizations. Do you personally know of anyone who receives a commission for making a sale of a product? Like a car salesman? Or in the wholesale industry. I worked for a couple of wholesale food distributors whose sales personnel earned commission for making food sales to restaurants.

And generally speaking, people buy stuff from other people they trust. Or from companies they trust, or like. Getting some sort of relationship with your potential customers is the best way to get long term commitments to join your team or buy from your store.

Now, if one of your advertising strategies is to buy a lot of PSA's, or advertise heavily to get lots of signups, you will have to understand that most of those people are just lookers….not buyers…..yet.

But, you now are building a list of potential customers that you didn't have before. Now is the chance for you to start building a relationship with them through your weekly emails. Talk about your experiences in SFI/TripleClicks, and (hopefully) how excited you are about this business.

The SFI mail program is probably the most important tool in your business building efforts, because without it, how do you communicate with your potential customers?

I know some people just won't get it and never respond, but the point is you have that opportunity, so you can't ignore it. You never know when someone will decide now is the time to take you up on your offers.

And to be able to build up a trusting relationship with them, I would focus on how your progress is, and that you are available to help them at any time. Try to let them understand that you are not trying to get them to spend any money, but that you offering to help them earn money for themselves.

It won't happen overnight, but consistency is the key. So many people get discouraged so quickly, and give up. The true winners just keep on offering their help to whoever wants it.

What's your goal? Be a winner I hope.

From Scott L.

What's the (Versa) point?

When you signed up with SFI, this is probably one of the first pages you saw:

It's mostly about Versa Points, and why they are important. Versa Points are used to determine your rank each month in SFI. Every month you start at 0 VP, and then you have to do things to earn VP throughout the month.

It really is that simple. Earn Versa Points to improve your rank and increase your income. Unfortunately, this is where it gets confusing for a lot of new people. There are a lot of different ways to earn Versa Points!

And how many Versa Points does any affiliate need to start producing an income? 1500 VP!

Since SFI owns the program and provides all the tools, they get to make the rules. Which is only fair.

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, starts off each calendar month as an Affiliate. Take a look at your Scoreboard tab on your homepage, and it will tell you what your current rank is at the moment, based on the number of Versa Points you have earned so far in the month.

Because we all start out as an Affiliate, our first goal should be to reach Executive Affiliate (EA). There are several different ways to do this. And guess what: SFI has a guide for that!

1500 Versa Points is your first goal in any month to improve your rank and increase your earnings. And the guide above will provide you with details on whats steps you can take to earn those points.

Another thing that gets confusing for new affiliates is that there are 2 kinds of Versa Points. Action (AVP) and Sales (SVP). I mean, really, shouldn't a Versa Point just be a Versa Point?

Again, because SFI owns the program, they get to make the rules. And they have determined that in order to reach the higher rankings of a Team Leader, we all need a combination of Action Versa Points and Sales Versa Points.

Your To Do List and Versa Point Ledger will indicate what type of points you have earned or can earn, and your Scoreboard tab will tell you how many of each you need to reach the next level or rank.

Once affiliates start to understand the importance of Versa Points, what we then start to see is that a lot of them want to know why you can't earn a lot more AVP just by clicking a few things here, playing a few games for free there…and so on.

And that is where the biggest frustrations come in for most affiliates who have inactive people in their downline. Because most people don't want to sell. Someone else should do the selling….they just want to do the clicking to earn points.

So, the bottom line is that the whole point is to sell products. Not only do we earn Versa Points, but we earn commissions as well. And we earn commissions not only for ourselves, but for the profit sharing pool as well.

And the money that is paid out from the profit sharing pool is based on the number of Versa Points we earn in a month.

SFI can be a very complicated program for new affiliates because it is so huge. There are many different areas that anyone can become involved in, but in the beginning, we have to try and keep it simple for them by explaining it really is about selling products, which will earn us Versa Points & commission, and if we choose, teaching other people to do the same.

From Scott L.

Understanding the Commission Volume

A lot of new affiliates may have questions about the commission volume in SFI, and exactly how it works. Here is a brief overview.

Every item in TripleClicks is assigned a commission volume (CV) by SFI. That is the amount of commission that is paid out to affiliates when a sale is made.

The CV for each item can be found by clicking on the SFI Affiliates tab on an individual item in TripleClicks.

The example I have chosen is the 125 TCredits. The CV on this item is $17.66. Every time someone buys this product, SFI will pay out $17.66 in commissions.

$7.95 is paid to the sponsor of the person who bought the product (for example if your PSA or PRM made the purchase, you as their sponsor would make this commission)

$7.06 is allocated to the TripleClicks Executive Pool, or the commission sharing program that all affiliates who are EA2 or higher get to share in.

$2.65 is paid to the co-sponsor of the person who made the purchase (for example, if one of your CSA's made the purchase, you as their Co-sponsor would earn $2.65)

Understanding these concepts can go a long way in helping your new affiliates in teaching what they can earn in SFI.
 By Scott L.

What are you willing to sacrifice to build your SFI business?

I found this on the SFI forum.

What are you willing to sacrifice to build your SFI business?

1. Time?

You can never get it back, so you better invest it wisely. There never seems to be enough, so you better invest it wisely. How much time are you willing to spend with SFI to build your business? Some of it will be with SFI. Some of it will be advertising in different places.

How much time are you willing to commit to building your SFI business every day, and every week?

Whatever the number is in terms of hours per day, is entirely up to you. But whatever it is, will you be committed to doing it every single day?

Realize that the more time you spend building your SFI business will result in less time maintaining your SFI business once it becomes successful...that is, makes a profit. Once your business starts to make a profit, the amount of time you spend on the business is determined by the amount of profit you want to make.

So, do you want a successful SFI business? Then write down the number of hours you are committed to each day, and tape it to a bathroom mirror, next to the coffee pot, on the refrigerator, next to your computer/tablet/smart phone...anywhere you know you will be looking when you get up in the morning. Make it a daily affirmation if you have to.

2. Money?

Do you have any to spend on building a business? What do you spend money on now that you think you could otherwise spend on your business?

With SFI, you don't necessarily need money to build the business. You have products to sell on which you can earn commission, and you have free advertising methods available to you all over the place. BUT, you will then have to revert back to how much time you have to spend on this business. Because placing free advertisements takes a lot of time. In business, time is money.

The more money you might have available for let's say, advertising, is less time you have to spend doing it yourself.

How much money can you afford every month to spend on building your business? Take a look at all your finances, what you spend and where, and determine how much you can invest in your business. If you keep a budget, put it into your budget. If you don't have a budget, I suggest you start making one.

3. Pride?

If there is one thing that is common among all network marketing programs, mlm's, or most other home based business, it is this - you will probably be rejected over and over again. You will be rejected by people who say no right away.

You will be rejected by people who join you, and they do nothing. You will be rejected by people who join you, do well for a while, and then they quit.

And finally, you may be rejected by family and friends because online network marketing is just a scam.

Are you ready to sacrifice your pride? Until you start making a profit that is. Then your family and friends will think you are a marketing genius, and will want to know more.

But be careful, because when they want to know more, what they really want to do is make the same money as you without doing steps 1, 2, and 3. And then you'll be rejected all over again when they don't make a profit like you.

So, what are you willing to sacrifice to build your SFI business?


Friday, May 19, 2017

BID & BUILD: What is the Bid & Build program?

The Bid & Build program is an easy and free bonus tool that allows you to build your team of PSAs while simply bidding at Pricebenders. Just choose an auction you’d like to win from the Pricebenders schedule HERE and start bidding. 

For every 10 bids you make at Pricebenders, you’ll earn a spin of the Bid & Build prize wheel!  Every spin is a guaranteed win of a full PSA or a partial PSA (minimum 10%).  So, even if you don't win a full PSA with one spin, you could win a 20% share, a 30% share or a 50% share of a free PSA. You can view your progress toward a full PSA from the main auction page as illustrated below:

NOTE: The recap bar above also provides you with a count of your MRP and VP earned with your bidding today.  It also lets you know if you’ve earned today’s Bonus VP from your PB Tab at the Affiliate Center.

All PSAs you earn are brand new, freshly-generated sign-ups. The new PSA will then be added to your Genealogy and you can begin working with them! 

PLUS...each time you win a full PSA, you also receive a FREE bonus entry in the Daily Grand, where you can win additional valuable business-building prizes including CSAs, TCredits, VersaPoints, and more! Limit: 2 Daily Grand bonus entries per day.

The Bid & Build program also has these benefits:

  • There’s no limit on how many spins and PSAs you can earn each day.
  • All bids carry over--both from auction to auction and day to day.
  • All spins carry over until you earn a full PSA.

4 great ways to use auction bidding to build your SFI business [re-post]


How can you parlay the fun and excitement of Pricebenders auctions into a money-saving way to build your SFI business?


1. Bid on money-saving auctions for PSAs, CSAs, TCredits, custom prestige domains, and TCards for marketing. You can also bid on silver and gold items to build an invaluable portfolio that can become more valuable every year.

But even if you don’t win a Pricebenders auction…you STILL win!

2. You get 5 Member Rewards Points (MRP) every time you place a bid–10 MRP per bid on DP (double MRP) auctions. Use these MRP to redeem for any product at TripleClicks!

3. You’ll also get 1  VP per bid–up to 1,000 VP a month–a GREAT way to help Team Leaders and aspiring TLs maintain their rank of the accompanying benefits.

4. Build your downline with the free Pricebenders Bid & Build tool. You can win up to one brand new PSA for every 10 bids. PLUS: Each time you win a full PSA, you’ll also receive a FREE bonus entry in the Daily Grand, where you can win additional business-building prizes, including CSAs, TCredits, VersaPoints, and more! Find out more about Bid & Build HERE.

Looking for a business that is the real deal? Join here: http;// 

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214
Friend request me here after you join so that we can help you to succeed.
Have questions? Click here to chat with me on Facebook

53 new marketing aids!

On May 17th SFI added these new features! 

We’re pleased to debut today a profusion of new marketing aids and themes for all SFI affiliates.

  • 9 new web banners
  • 20 new memes.  Learn more about SFI memes here.
  • 24 new Facebook Cover Photos  What’s this?

All 53 new items are available now from the Marketing Center.  Check ’em out!

Looking for a business that is the real deal? Join here: http;// 

Thursday, May 4, 2017



Seeing SFI through the eyes of your PSAs

To provide effective support to your affiliates, you must be familiar with the experience of your incoming Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs)--the pages they're seeing and the information they're reading.

Therefore, we recommend you review these pages your new affiliates see when they join SFI:

1. Getting Started pages: 
2. LaunchPad Lessons: 
3. Your SFI Gateway at:[YOURSFIID]/Free

Upon review, you'll notice the emphasis is on getting started by earning VersaPoints from performing actions on the SFI To-Do List. In other words, your PSAs learn from the get-go that earning VersaPoints equals earning income.

You can help your PSAs get started right by also focusing on the "score more, earn more" aspect of the SFI program in your own welcome e-mails, team communications, and leadership incentives.

Standing Order

Why should anyone have a standing order?

Well, if you want to be successful in SFI, you have to understand that you are running your own business; and as a business owner, their are certain costs involved in owning and running your business.

In most cases, if you have your own offline business, you will have rent to pay every month for your store or office. I treat my Standing Order as my rent. It keeps my business open, and my store (TripleClicks) stock with products I can sell.

What do I purchase as a Standing Order? 125 TCredits for $36.25.

What benefits do I get from that?

First, I can use the TCredits to play Eager Zebra games, or bid in Pricebender Auctions, earning 1VP for each TCredit spent, and at least 5 MRP(member reward points) as well.

Second, I get an EA2 badge, and 1500VP. Those points mean I qualify for shares in the TripleClicks Executive Pool. 1VP = 1 share in the pool.

Third, I get a 1500VP Standing Order badge that gives me 200 Badge Quest points in the Badge Quest game.

Fourth, I get 2 CSA's awarded to me, and put in my downline. I can earn Co-sponsor commissions from any qualifying purchases they make. These are awarded immediately. I also get 10 CSA's from the CSA rewards program for having the Standing Order. I will get a message on my Alerts to claim them.

Fifth, I get an extra 100VP awarded to me for having a 1500VP Standing Order.

Sixth, I don't lose any CSA's that I have been previously awarded or purchased in an auction.

Seventh, I get 10 free TCredits the following month after the commissions have been calculated.

Eighth, I get access to the Group Messaging function so I can send messages to all my PSA's with a couple of clicks.

Ninth, I get access to the Gift Certificate program, so I can send GC to my downline if I choose to do so.

Tenth, you never have to remember to make the purchase. It is done for you automatically.

When I purchase 125 TCredits, my sponsor earns a commission of $7.95. When one of my PSA's purchase 125 TCredits, I earn a commission of $7.95. If I get 5 PSA's to purchase 125 TCredits, I earn enough commission that my purchase basically becomes FREE, because the amount of commission covers the cost.

By teaching your PSA's this concept, your standing order, and theirs, can become a FREE investment! This is one way you start building your team.

Although you are never required to make any purchase in SFI to be a member, if you want a successful business where you can earn a great income, this is the way to get going. Being able to afford and purchase a standing order every month should be one of your first goals in SFI.

If this is helpful to you share this with your team.

 Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214
Friend request me here after you join so that we can help you to succeed.
Have questions? Click here to chat with me on Facebook
Join our private Facebook group

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Consistency Is Key

I just wanted to talk a little bit about consistency. This is the key to your business. I know it's not easy. It's not easy for me! I get distracted with other things or ideas I have that I want to share and then I get confused because I don't know where to begin.

In this business we have to stay consistent in order to be seen and get results. You want people to see YOU, like YOU and trust YOU enough to join YOU!  Right? Right! 

So how do we do that? Well just do one thing everyday no matter what take time to do this one thing and you have now taken action and accomplished something towards the growth of your business. 

What can you do? Well you can write content like I'am doing and share your experiences and the things you have learned thus far. You can do this via blog, Facebook live, Facebook groups, social media posts such as Facebook, instagram etc., videos. Anything you can think of and mind you these are all free avenues you can use. Just pick one and do it everyday until you are used to doing it then add another way of getting yourself out there and being seen.  

Now this could only be 10 minutes of content it doesn't have to be long. Now the problem with inconsistency and this is what has happened to me is that you get distracted and go off and you try another business opportunity and another one.  You end up jumping from program to program or next new thing and never accomplishing much of anything.  I have been with this business for over 11 years but I was not consistent all 11 years. I started out like every one else not knowing what I was getting into or what to do.

You will end up starting to doubt yourself if you are inconsistent. So since 2011 I have been getting paid on time every month.  I took it serious because I kept getting paid but only after I took it serious and I started investing in my business. This business is the first business I got paid consistently. So I decided to stay focused on this one. I'm not saying you can't have more than one business opportunity but you do have to focus on one first and be able to master that one before adding another opportunity. 

Just recently I was jumping into other opportunities because I saw the people I'am following making lots of money with this program but I wasn't and it's not because of the program it's me. I need to focus on what is really making me money for right now. 

You are going to have people doubting you and saying this is a scam but if you are consistent and you show people you love your business and you are proud of it and you are the biggest cheerleader for your own business then by you being consistent on a daily basis you will not have time or have doubts on weather or not this business will work or not. You will have the strength to keep going because you are to busy working on you and not worrying on what others are saying or doing. 

So create content that is going to help someone and you will get more people wanting to buy from you eventually because they have been impacted by your content. I'm not saying it's going to happen over night or in a week but the more you put out the more you get back. 

There are days that I don't want to do anything but those are the days I push myself because the goal is to be seen so that you can make money and then help others to do the same. It seems like nothing is happening but remember this people are watching YOU and they are going to get curious and eventually ask you about your business or to join. 

I hope this has been helpful to any of you that may be struggling. Share this with your down line.

Looking for a business that is the real deal? Join here: http;// 

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214

Tuesday, May 2, 2017



Don't want to wait for your monthly auto-delivery item?

If you ever want to have your Auto-Delivery processed NOW (instead of waiting for your normal processing date)...OR...if you want to have your Auto-Delivery processed multiple times in the same month (because, for example, you need to replenish your stock of TCredits or need a quick infusion of VersaPoints), just click the green "Quick Order" button at the bottom of your Auto-Delivery Manager page. Note: For the following month, your Auto-Delivery will be processed as usual on your normal processing date.

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214
Friend request me here after you join so that we can help you to succeed.
Have questions? Click here to chat with me on Facebook

The Keys To Success

The Keys To Your SFI Business...SUCCESS

Launch Pad Getting Started Training

Are You A NEW Affiliate In SFI?

The Fastest, Easiest Way To Go EA.


Internet Trainings

The Ask SC

A2A Members

Your Sponsor(s)


My Leadership Page

For Tips On Increasing Your VersaPoints

For Tips On Developing EA2s And TLs

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214

Friday, March 31, 2017

Tripleclicks Prepaid Card 3

Okay so I got the new Card in the mail today. Didn't take long at all! I activated the card. Will update

Friday, March 24, 2017

Tripleclicks Prepaid Card 2

Hey guys,

So if you remember in my post on getting a Tripleclicks Prepaid Card and my reasons why. I stated that I  filled out the application. If you want to see that post go here: TripleClicks Prepaid Card  Well I actually did not fill out the application until today. What I did was switch my way of payment from checks to the prepaid card. When I was eligible to actually order the card SFI notified me at the home page here: .

So I filled out the application for the Prepaid card setup and it was easy and simple. 

After you fill out the application they will email you letting you know they received it. That they will email you in the next 3 business days once your application has been reviewed. Well it didn't take that long! They approved my application in 10 minutes I couldn't believe it! 

Now another benefit to getting the Prepaid card is that you get 500 VP. As you can see below : 

Now right after your application is approved that above action is no longer there and you automatically get the 500 VP. 

So make sure you check you VP score before and after you fill out the application here: 

You can also check under scoreboard tab and since I didn't do my daily clicks yet you can see I got 500 VP today. 

If this was helpful please share with your team. 

P.S. Not a member? Join HERE

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214

Join our Private Facebook group HERE 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Get Your Content Out There and be Consistent!

This is from my sponsor in another business that I'am in. I thought I would share it here because this is something everyone should be working on in a daily basis. if not weekly. 

So just wanted to share something with you. You will always hear those of us who have been online awhile talk about getting your content out there and be consistent.

The reason for this is simple. The more you put out there, the more you are found.
You have to remember, once these things are in place online and you build and build, they will always remain there unless you take it down.

Over the past few days, I have received notifications from my very first biz op I joined when I started online, that I have referral sign ups.

It made me giggle because when I first started I was getting myself out there anywhere that I could.
I've tried to backtrack to find out where I still have this content that people are finding me and joining my very first opportunity LOL and have been unsuccessful so far.

The point of the story is that in the beginning you take the time to build your content, and later on is when all of that work will work on autopilot for you.

I have had nothing to do with my first opportunity since mid 2013 and yet people are still trickling in.
This is a big part of what autopilot is. So everything you put out there can continue to be found and the more you add daily, the more people will find you.

Not a member? Why Not? Join HERE!

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214
Friend request me here after you join so that we can help you to succeed.
Have questions? Click here to chat with me on Facebook

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Did you see it?

In case you missed it here is a recap of all the new things that were added in February to SFI. 

February 7, 2017 
Introducing…TripleClicks Booster Club!

February 13, 2017
Executive Affiliate rank upgrade!

February 14, 2017

41,785 free VP awarded in latest Spin & Win

Hey guys I just won 5 Versapoints read the above article so you can find out how to be a winner in March contest. 

February 15, 2017
New Internet Income 2.0–Lesson #30: Creating Personas, Part 3

February 21, 2017
Badge Quest requirements adjusted

February 21, 2017
New Eager Zebra game: Grandmaster Poker™

February 23, 2017
Introducing…SFI Icebreakers!

February 27, 2017 
New SFI Gateway debuts

I didn't even list everything for February. So go to your back office and see for yourself. You have to admit SFI is awesome and always adding something new. I love this business because SFI is the real deal and they are always trying to find new things to make our business fun! 

Not a member? Why Not? Join HERE!

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214

Have questions? Click here to chat with me on Facebook

I Am Your Attitude

"I am seldom considered, though I do more to influence everything about you than virtually any one thing in your life. I often control the time you get up in the morning, the time you go to sleep, what you eat and drink and the very thought that runs through your head. I can make you either happy or sad, loving or hateful, cheerful or remorseful, congenial or spiteful and in doing so, control the very capacity that you have for success.
No, you don’t often think of me instead you BLAME the problem I create on the shortcoming of others, or the state of the economy, or your family or a million other reasons. Often at times unable to find anyone else to BLAME you look for shortcomings within yourself on which to lay the BLAME.
When my impact on your life fully is considered in your every thought and action, when you are mindful of my awesome power, when you nurture and groom me for positive use in your life, I can become more contagious than the most prolific disease ever witnessed by man. My influence will spread to every person you come in contact with.
Groomed and nurtured in a positive manner there will be no person or obstacle that can stand in the way of my success or fail to be impacted for the better.
'I Am Your Attitude' "
Author Unknown

Friday, March 3, 2017

TripleClicks Prepaid Card

Today I finally filled out the application for the TripleClicks prepaid card. I have been getting my commissions by check through the mail. The only reason is because SFI is phasing out sending checks. 

Here is the article:

I decided to choose the card because I will now receive my money right away.
  • I will not have to wait for a check to come in the mail and then go to deposit it in the bank.
  • I can use this card anywhere
  • I can still take the money out at transfer to my bank account
  • It is safer
  • I can use the ATM to withdrawal money anytime.
  • You get 500 VP just for getting one!
  • It will be a great conversation starter 
  • Get more referrals
So if you are still using checks for payment I would suggest getting the card if you haven't already.
For more benefits to using the card and how to get one go here

P.S. Not a member? Join HERE

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214

Quick SFI Mobile App Tip…

To navigate the Affiliate Center on your mobile phone, just click the menu icon on the left side of your screen. You’ll then see all the mobile-friendly Affiliate Center tabs available; just touch the tab name you want to go to that page. To close the navigation menu and view the entire tab page, simply click the menu icon again.

P.S. Not a member? Join HERE

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214

What Others Are Saying

We have so many testimonials! See what others are saying about SFI!

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Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

There is no Success Without Training!

So, if you have opportunity to start new job, you need to learn, there is no success without training.

PLEASE, new affiliates, do not start SFI job if you want to start earning money immediately! Don't waste your time, this is a serious business, you need to have knowledge to work this. You need to learn and to be patient and things will start to be placed where they needs to be placed.

Sandra Pugh
Internet Marketing Solutions
Text Me: (917) 397-0214