Monday, December 14, 2015

Blogging Is FREE!

Today I want to talk about blogging and and some free sites you can use to getting started on branding yourself and getting your business off the ground. Blogging is a great way to show the world who you are and teach them what you know. It is one of the most powerful ways to build your presences online and to build your website at the same time.

If you don't have any money then you must spend your time doing things to generate exposure to your business. It takes persistence and consistence for this to work but you will get exposure. Just don't give up. In fact you could challenge yourself. For ex. blog everyday for 30 days, you just have to be consistent. Once you get your content and it has to be good content out there then you will be found by those who are looking for you and what you have to offer.

If you are new to blogging the best thing to do is to read books on blogging. This way you can get a better understanding of what it is you are trying to do and say. Now this goes for anything if you don't know anything about SEO then you should get books on that subject. This is how you learn and all serious online marketers are readers. Remember Leaders are Readers! So below are some books I found on blogging to get you started. Just click on the book to view.


There are lots of free blogging platforms that you can use.  They are good for when you are just starting out but you will need to buy a domain name eventually weather it be for your website or your blog.

  •  (free)
  •   (paid)

  • *Wordpress has both a free and paid version

    If this was helpful to you please share this with someone else that could use this information.

    Secret: If you don't have your own business and you are looking to start one.  Join Me Here!
    Join My BootCamp training series.
    Hope to see you there..

    Monday, October 26, 2015

    The MOST IMPORTANT THING for success in SFI is..


    Often I hear  that people are confused about how and what to advertise in SFI. For that reason I decided this month tips to be about advertising. I hope you will enjoy them :)

    -Firstly, what is advertising?

    Advertising in business is a form of marketing communication used to encourage, persuade, or direct an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to take or continue to take some action.

    -What to advertise in SFI?

    Well you have many things to choose from:
    SFI business opportunity,Auctions,TC products,ECAs, EZ games,Gift Cards,Wave3,TC Music ,TCredits,silver bars..basically everything in your gateways section.

    -Where to advertise?

    Classifieds,Google AdWords,Bing Ads,Google plus,facebook, media's groups/pages, e-mailing,phone calls,verbal communication, boards,signs,billboards...

    -what are tools and aids for advertising?

    Ads,pages,blogs,websites,banners, links,tracking tools,autoresponder,welcome letters,posters,splash pages ,stickers,e-cards,business cards,flyers,printable items (t-shirts,mugs,pens..) ,marketing automation,SEO, banner/link exchange,news letters...

    -How to do it?

    Just look for a list of places to advertise on and go there and place ads. Most common is using the social networks as they are most popular and easiest to place ads on.So start from there and evolve and upgrade yourself by putting ads on different places.

    At the end if you know what to look for you will find it.Try typing advertising or marketing or ads in SFI search bar,google ,social networks and many things will pop up.Pick and read/use those articles and places you find most interesting and learn something new.Also don't forget to place an ad!

    If you need further help you can purchase this popular and very cheap book from our store:

    It contains a lot more of what I described in here including visual tutorials and step-by-step guide and you will learn how do advertise properly and effectively.

    What Is SFI?

    What is SFI? {SFI Affiliates only}

    Before we begin, lots of activities for this week and posting business building tips in the Forum.

    Don't forget to visit your SFI homepage everyday.

    So you are new and you are wondering what do I say in my weekly and bi-weekly team emails?

    Just be yourself.  You can share.

    -Motivational Tips
    -Personal experience tips
    -Training Tips you have learned so far

    If you run out of ideas just think of the above 3 tips for inspiration.

    Remember Never ever be afraid to ask for help

    Read this link for more inspiration.

    Visit my leadership page for more inspiration:

    Below I put together a training email. Share it with your team.
    If you are not earning money and you don't have a team. Why Not? You need to keep reading the rest of this.

    How Does SFI Work?

    Two things 1st you have SFI and then you have Tripleclicks store. Your goal is to collect points....

    You need to log in to SFI everyday. I log in everyday so that I can build my business and watch it grow.

    When you log in you will see all RED tabs on your homepage for you to click everyday. Click all of these tabs to earn points.  You will also get points for all the other actions that are shown.

    Every month your points are converted into money.

    Every month SFI looks at how much income the company has generated and the money is then divided among all active affiliates in proportion depending on how many points you have earned.

    Add people to your team to get even more points!

    The money starts off slow but eventually picks up and adds up month after month.

    You can earn even more commissions by selling tripleclicks products.  

    I will be sending out regular training emails to explain more in detail simple steps on how to grow your business

    When you have your own home business you don't know what to expect. I didn't know what to expect but I found out I had to stick with it and follow simple directions everyday.

    I'am now a Team leader in SFI and I'am building my business everyday. 

    Please forward the following to your Team.

    It will help all your new affiliates that you Sponsor to get started in SFI.

    Only if you are serious this is how you can build your SFI business.

    This is exactly what I'am doing.

    Forward this to your entire team.

    This will cost you time and money which goes directly into building your business.

    It will help you. i also will help you too!

    This is how to grow your SFI business:

    To build your business you only need to do 3 things: 

    1. Maintain Executive Affiliate (EA) by ranking 1500 points every month.

    2. Log in everyday to your SFI account and CLEAR ALL YOUR RED TABS.

    3. Get 5 people to do EXACTLY THE SAME THING as Step 1 and Step 2 above.

    I will show you how to do all of this in this email.

    It worksd I'm doing it now.

    Here are the details:

    Step 1. Get Executive Affiliate (EA) ranking 1500 points every month.

    Maintain EA every month by setting up a standing order for T-credits.

    Set up a standing order to purchase T-Credits - 100 Pack - Special SFI Standing Order only, $29 (reg.price \$42)

    Here is the link to get your T-Credits:

    This will also give you 1200 points every month.


    This will give you 13 points daily. If 30 days in one month = 390 points monthly just by logging in daily.


    Step 3. Refer 5 people to do exactly the same thing as Step 1 and Step 2 above.

    You can Sponsor people yourself to join your SFI business team.

    If you don't know how to sponsor people let S-Builder do the work for you.

    To sponsor 5 people the easy way, purchase S-Builder Coop Unit $24.00

    S-Builder is as little as $24.00 monthly. That means for just 80 cents a day, you can start building a residual income stream for you and your family.

    S-Builder is one of the most economical ways to build an online business ever!

    S-Builder will sponsor new people for you and add them to your team automatically!

    S-Builder purchase will give you 280 points monthly.

    Here is the link to SBuilder:


    Each time you sponsor a new affiliate to your team send them this email.


    Total monthly cost to build your SFI business = $29 monthly (TCredits) + $24 monthly (S-Builder) = $53

    This is the cost to build a REAL SFI business that will generate a REAL residual income for you for life.


    Total points = 1200 points from TCredits + 390 points from clearing red tabs daily + 280 points from SBuilder = 1870 points monthly.


    You are now maintaining EA,
    You are sponsoring new people every week,
    Your new team members are doing Exactly the same as you,


    This is the only real way to succeed in SFI.

    Of course you can do it differently but this is the EASIEST and SIMPLEST way to do it.

    Just do it.

    Teach this to ALL your team members and your SFI business will GROW.

    Your SFI income will GROW.

    Just do it.

    Don't ever quit.

    Keep being awesome.

    Stay obsessed.

    To Your Success,
    SFI Team Leader

    P.S. Don't forget to log into your SFI business everyday.
    Clear all your red tabs today and
    Rate your Sponsor


    Here is a second message to forward to your team:

    It contains 2 useful links for ALL new Team Members.


    Hello Team,

    If you have just joined, SFI, or if you are new, welcome.

    You can get started here:

    You can earn points by looking here:

    To Your Success,

    Your Sponsor

    I'm just an email away- Sandra

    Join SFI today.

    Join Traffic Ad Bar for FREE Traffic To Your Website

    I get lots of traffic from Traffic Ad Bar to my website.

    I joined Traffic Ad Bar in 2011. It is a great FREE way to drive traffic to your websites.

    Traffic Ad Bar uses a level ladder which generates hits for members by using the "Daily Update"
    Email. So it would be a good idea to use a separate Email for Traffic Ad Bar.

    The reason I joined more than anything is because I can use Traffic Ad Bar to advertise my website for FREE and reach almost everyone on the internet!

    Click here to find out more.

    Saturday, September 19, 2015

    What is Privacy Maxx Family Identity Theft Protection Plan?

    So, what is this Privacy Maxx Family Identity Theft Protection Plan which is valid for 3 years once purchased? What are the features? 

    The 6 types of Identity Theft are: 
    1) New Account Fraud 
    2) Account Takeover Fraud 
    3) Criminal Identity Theft 
    4) Identity Cloning 
    5) Medical Identity Theft 
    6) Commercial Identity Theft 

    Thanks to TripleClicks. Privacy Maxx Protection Plan designed to protect the ID theft. This Plan is customized exclusively for TripleClicks members, with 3 full years of comprehensive coverage for your entire family. 

    Your benefits are: 

    a) In the event of ID theft you have a direct access to a Privacy Maxx professional recovery advocates, who will manage the whole process of recovery, for you and your family. This includes handling the follow-up paper works, phone calls, recover your name of credit history. 

    b) Privacy Maxx provide proactive internet monitoring, fully managed Identity Recovery service in the event of identity theft is detected. 
    c) A $25,000 Service Guarantee – to cover the costs of recovering and restoring your identity to its pre-theft status. 

    d) Premium Internet Monitoring & Public/Private Database Address Monitoring – Proactively scan for sensitive personal information sold and traded on black market internet sites & chat rooms. This includes monitoring credit & debit card numbers, bank account numbers, social security numbers, driver’s licenses numbers, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses of any other sensitive information. Simply means changes to your personal information in public and private database is being monitored, for early warning of identity theft. 

    e) Fully managed Identity Recovery. Performed by professional Identity Recovery Advocates, they will help to restore the victim’s identity to pre-theft status. 
    Other plus point is that; 
    heavy lifting is done by professional, not the victim. 
    You are given a victim hotline with unlimited restorations 
    No deductible and no exclusions of coverage 
    Pro-active post recovery monitoring for 12 month 

    A great protection for your whole family because it is valid for subscribing customers, spouses or domestic partner, all children under the age of 25 sharing the same address as customers, and also all IRS dependents of customers. 


    Monday, September 7, 2015

    I won The Daily Grand Drawing!

    Woke up to this email yesterday!
    Good news--you were a winner in today's DAILY GRAND Drawing!
    You won: 50 VP
    Every day, SFI awards $2000 in free prizes to 200 of their affiliates. I just won 50 VP! I invite you to join me in SFI (and come win some prizes too)
    Join for FREE here:

    I Won The T-Time Drawing!

    I Woke up to this in my email on Sept. 5th! 

    Good news, Sandra, --your name was chosen in today's 9 PM TripleClicks T-TIME Drawing!
    You won: 2 Free TCredits
    They have been added to your TripleClicks account and you may use/redeem them immediately.

    So TCredits are like money to us in SFI.

    !. You can ,have fun and win giant TCredit "Zackpots" playing our exclusive Eager Zebra™ games. Each game is just 1 TCredit to play

    2. At our Pricebenders™ Penny Auctions, you can use your TCredits to bid on hot, new, brand name products in electronics, kitchen gear, tools, home and garden, silver and gold bullion, gift cards, the latest movies, office products, and more.Just 1 TCredit per bid to win great products at prices FAR below retail--typically more than 90% off! 

    3. Turn the clutter around your house into cash by listing stuff you no longer need for sale at TripleClicks. Just 1 TCredit per listing! List items for as long as you like, with exposure to up to millions of members in over 160 countries. and receive up to 100% of the sale! 

    4. Redeem your Tcredits on thousands of products at Tripleclicks. Just choose Tcredits as your payment method when you check out.

    5.At the TC Music Center, download hundreds of exclusive songs from independent artists from around the world. Each song is just 1 TCredit!

    As an SFI affiliate there are even more bonus for using the Tcredits.

    Not a member? Join here:

    Wednesday, March 4, 2015

    How can I earn VersaPoints without buying something?

    There are MANY actions on your SFI To-Do List ( that will earn you UNLIMITED VersaPoints without having to purchase anything.

    These actions include:

    1. You can earn unlimited points selling any of the over 100,000 products and services at TripleClicks. Learn all about how to refer TripleClicks members at

     2. As a Team Leader, you can earn 100 to 300 points (monthly) for each personally sponsored EA2 (unlimited points). Learn all about how to sponsor affiliates at

     3. Earn 100 points for each approved/activated ECA your refer to TripleClicks (unlimited points). Learn more.

     4. Earn 500 points for earning a Payoneer MasterCard Debit Card. Learn more.

     5. To build excitement and momentum in your group, Team Leaders can reassign a portion of the affiliates they've sponsored to their "Movers" or other personally sponsored affiliates. Earn 5 points for each reassignment (unlimited points).

     6. Log in at the SFI Affiliate Center each day and earn 11 points daily for reviewing the tabs on your home page and for reviewing the latest TripleClicks products (see link on your To-Do List--DAILY Actions section).

     7. Earn 30 points weekly for each group message sent to your team (maximum one per week, 120 points maximum).

     8. Earn 3 points weekly for posting a Stream message.

     9. Earn 5 points weekly for reviewing your TConnect page.

     10. Answer questions at ASK SC ( and earn 100 VP if your answer is voted as the best, 50 VP if voted second best, and 25 VP if voted third best. There's no limit on these points.

     11. You can win hundreds of VersaPoints every week by entering the Daily Grand drawing (

    That said, make sure you're not focusing totally on VersaPoints. Yes, income can be earned from accumulating VP, but the primary role of VP is to determine your rank. As SFI BASICS ( explains, the way you create large incomes in SFI is through sales, sponsoring, and duplication. We strongly urge you to review SFI BASICS and follow it's guidelines.


    Open your eyes to your potential

    You may not realize it right now, but inside you you have the potential to become very, very successful. Successful beyond your wildest dreams. So why aren't you? By and large, it's because our schools, governments, teachers, professors, and clergy don't teach you this!

    On the contrary in fact, you've been programmed your whole life to accept mediocrity, to believe that
    conforming and compromising is the way you go through life and that real success is unachievable except for the "privileged." Of course, people that have become highly successful have learned this is not true at all and they have broken out of these artificial constraints...and so should you!

    For me, it was reading the classic book "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill at the age of 22 that opened my eyes. I was also greatly impacted by "The Magic Of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz. I still highly recommend these books to anyone who wants to do great things in their life.

    At TripleClicks we are fortunate to have one of the world's most famous success experts and authors, Jack Zufelt, as one of our ECAs.

    Like Napoleon Hill and David Schwartz , Jack opens your eyes to your true potential. Indeed, what Jack teaches is so powerful he has been interviewed on over 2,000 radio and TV talk shows. PBS aired a special about him that was broadcast via satellite to 127 countries. The United States Senate honored him for teaching Americans how to achieve more success in their personal lives and careers. He was even awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit by the President of the United States!

    Jack's books and CDs can literally change your life and I highly recommend them to all our affiliates! Check out all of Jack's products at: 

    "Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune." -Jim Rohn

    "Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got." -Jim Rohn

    "Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself that you have no limits." -Brian Tracy

    "The millionaire says to a thousand people, 'I read this book and it started me on the road to wealth.' Guess how many go out and get the book? Very few. Isn't that incredible? Why wouldn't everyone get the book?!" -Jim Rohn

    SFI Rules Of Success #9

    Not a TripleClicks Member? Join here

    If you are looking for a REAL way to make money. I want to help you make it, so let's get you started NOW! So what have you got to lose?

    To your Success


    Saturday, February 28, 2015

    I won Knockout Trivia!

    I just won Knockout Trivia at TripleClicks (I outlasted 25 other players to take the title)! I challenge you to try to match my awesomeness!

    Click here if you dare! 


    Friday, February 27, 2015

    Fast Track Pin Is Here!

    I received my Fast Track pin yesterday! I love this company. 

    They reward you for your efforts in various different ways. In VersaPoints, CSA's, PSA's, MRP, Games to play to relax from the grind. Who does that? 

    Would you like to earn one? My #1 job in SFI is helping the affiliates that I sponsor become successful. When you join my team, know that in me you will have a committed partner and mentor, and that I stand ready to assist you in any way I can. 

    You also have to realize this is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time to build your business this is different from a job (J-O-B) just over broke. If you are a hard worker, self-motivated, and in for the long run. Then just click here sign up for FREE and contact me! Thank you and I hope to hear you've joined my team soon.

    Thursday, February 26, 2015

    What A Great Success Story!

     I am so happy that we are helping a lot of families create more time and extra income to help with their families future in their spare time. I love the story from SFI's own president and founder, Gery Carson.

     "My success as a entrepreneur and business leader is widely known today. Yet what most people don’t know is that I LOST money my first two years. I only broke even in my third year. And it was only when I got to my fourth year did I finally start seeing profits. Oh, how I wish someone had invented an SFI for me back in the mid-80's when I was starting out! ; - )

     So was all that effort worth it? ABSOLUTELY! Because I persisted, today I live a dream life, I have my dream home, drive my dream car, and I get to lead one of the most exciting Internet companies in the world. Yes, because I stuck with it, I am today truly blessed beyond my wildest dreams."

     I am so happy to have the same opportunity available to me as well. Click this link to see how Mr. Carson is able to enjoy his life with his family

    Tuesday, February 10, 2015

    Give Away This Free Lead Generating System!

    What is it that people need in their business to succeed? Leads of course I have found a great way for you to get that for FREE! Give this report away for FREE.

    So this is what I do I give this report away for FREE   Or I give away a system that people can use to promote their SFI business. Click Here The report and or system that you give away will attract people to you.  So do the same.

    This is duplicatable.
    So instead of posting ads asking people to join my business (because remember people join people) I do something different  - I offer them something for free instead.
    Offer a free report or free software or a free lead generation system.
    I give people something of VALUE in my ads.
    Give it away to Facebook groups.
    Give it away to your Twitter followers
    Give it away NOW! 
    Please let me know if you have any questions and I will help you with your SFI business
    To our Success.


    Tuesday, February 3, 2015

    How To Add Drop Down Menus To Your Blogger!

    Hey Guys, I wanted to share this video because I have learned how to install social media icons to my blogger from "How To Blog Design" If you want to jazz up your blogger this is a great and easy way to learn how. You will also stand out from the rest, which in marketing is what you want to do. Right? With so much competition it's very important for all of us to stand out from the rest.

    So be bold stand out from the rest by learning new things. New ways of marketing, promoting and teaching others the same! I hope this video will help you as it has helped me. Enjoy!

    If you are looking for a REAL way to make money. I want to help you make it, so let's get you started NOW! So what have you got to lose?  

    Discover How to Explode Your Home Based Business With FREE Quality Leads!

    For more tips: Click Here


    Friday, January 30, 2015

    Are You Taking The Lid Off The Jar!

    Hey Guys I saw this on Steve Harvey show yesterday and thought it was worth sharing. As entrepreneurs we need to think this way. Never let anyone tell you, you can't. You know you can so keep on moving.

    Steve talks about "taking the lid off the jar," as a metaphor for understanding that we are all destined to be great and that our environment should never restrict us from dreaming big.

    Don't allow your environment, friends, associates to dictate to YOU! Watch this motivational video! But don't watch it once watch this everyday for motivation! To Your Success!

    Can't wait to read the book like me? Click the link below to get it! 

    SFI’s Parent Company–Carson Services Inc.–turns 30!

    Carson Services, Inc., the parent company behind SFI Marketing Group and, is now in its 30th year of business. And we want to take this opportunity to say “THANK YOU” to all our great affiliates who helped us reach this milestone!

    Our success and longevity is a DIRECT result of your hard work, sweat, enthusiasm, and loyalty. It’s one of the reasons why SFI is one of THE most respected and most successful affiliate programs in the world today!

    See Why We Rock!

    What is TripleClicks?

    How Much Time Do I Need To Spend On My Business?

    How much time do I need to spend on my business? Well it's a good question don't you think? I guess it would depend on your lifestyle. What are you doing on any given day all day. If you work full-Time then your hours are different from the one who doesn't work or only work part-time. All of us of course have limited time because we have to attend to family, events, etc. I would say though that you should be working on your business all the time and as much as you can. Why? Because you want your business to grow. The more time you spend on your business the more it will grow. The more it grows the more money YOU make.

    I would say consistently spend time on your business at least 10-15 hours per week but if you can spend more time then that you should do so. I would also spend focused time on my business. What do I mean by focused time? Well the time that you set aside to work on your business should be only for your business. Do not answer personal phone calls from friends and family. Do not waste time looking at TV. Stay focused only on your business for that time slot.

    When you are an  entrepreneur you have to look at it differently than if this was a 9-5 job and on Friday you get a check. You may not get a check after working all week because this is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time to make money as an entrepreneur.  The more time you put in though the more results you will see. Eventually you could be making in a month what you made in a year. Then you could be making in a week what you made in a month! So the key is to keep spending time on your business consistently and never give up! In the beginning you will need to spend a lot of time on your business, branding yourself and getting people to notice you.

    So how much time do I need to spend on my business? All the time because you will find even when your out running errands you will find yourself thinking of new ways to improve your business.

    So I hope this blog has helped you and if it has please share it, comment and follow me for more tips.

    Looking for a real opportunity?

    Free Leads

    Get More Tips Here